My Journey
"My route and challenges through Mould illness which nearly killed me but may have saved my life."
Jeff Charlton-
Certified member of Chartered Institute Environmental Health MCIEH (UK)
Member of Surviving Mold and International Society for Environmental Acquired Illness
(ISEAI) groups of Indoor Environmental Hygienists writing USA and international standards
on water damage and biological investigations for environmental acquired illness.
My Stroke, Stammer and Stutter and the British treatment
The advice on avoid binging of alcohol is a typical response, to mis -diagnosis , not least as I don’t drink
I went to my doctor and they sent me immediately to hospital for suspected stroke or brain bleed. I was given an immediate MRI scan. The scan did not show abnormality and the doctors were unable to diagnose or explain, not least after I cooled down in the airconditioned hospital and all symptoms disappeared. Diagnosis of brain injury from the newly emerging symptoms of toxic mould exposure, is as we all know from experience, very difficult to find.
CIRS or bio toxin (mould) illness is so often misdiagnosed as being depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and somatization; as well as Alzheimer’s, Parkinsonism, allergy, fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, among others. Treating patients for these seemingly diverse conditions does not improve their symptoms of CIRS, although effective therapies for CIRS do exist.”
The hospital report below shows no stroke but equally no reason for the obvious symptoms.
UK primary care doctors and Brain injury
Neuroquant Brain Scan
Brain Expert in London.
Brain Expert in London.
My Neuroquant Volumetric brain scan showing brain inflammation and perhaps why I couldn’t walk or talk and responsible for symptoms of stroke, and brain bleed
Blood Test Results 2 years Apart
The following blood tests cost over £2000 but significantly identified two HLA genes 4/3/53 and 13/6/52A which makes me susceptible to toxic poisoning as my body cannot readily remove these naturally. This means a low-cost chelating agent may be required.
So Where am I today
- At 72 Diagnosed with Marcons (3 of 5 Strep infections in sinus cavities)
- At 73 diagnosed with ADHD & Bi-Polar
- Prescribed amphetamines at 75 to control ADHD and so focussed now
- My long suffering wife says I have become “nice” again?
- Brain fog gone and I feel sharp as a tack.
- Working 10 hours a day 7 days a week
- At 73 diagnosed with breast cancer later recognised as a hormonal imbalance caused by mould and fortunately a false alarm and no further treatment