Air cleaning
The major route of all mould illness is inhalation and small inflammatory fragments of mould and bacteria enter the bloodstream through the lower respiratory system (alveoli)
The WHO states inhalation of mould and bacterial fragments increases dose by 40-fold.
While the removal of surface mould and remediation of causation are recognised requirements to reduce exposure and health consequences, it must be recognised that mould and bacteria are airborne.
While there is recognised risk of possible infection to those with compromised immune system, the highest risk affecting all, is inflammatory response, caused by the inhalation of sub-micron invisible particles. These particles can remain airborne for months because of buoyancy issues and are constantly inhaled. Science has shown standard methods of air cleaning are ineffective with data from HSE and in USA only one process is recognised as suitable for removing these quickly to enhance medically sound risk reduction -decontamination.
Building Forensics are sole agents for this American protocol and can provide clean air in any building within hours.
This process is available for all forms of air cleaning from soot to mould and even asbestos
The process causes all airborne contamination to fall onto horizontal surfaces where it is locked in a temporary sacrificial film to prevent re aerosolisation as the process dries out (5 hours) This film will hold contamination for 4 days. It is the client’s responsibility to clean all surfaces with a specially written protocol using Vodka diluted 1 part to 7 with water and using a special cloth.