Medical professionals Many of our Healthcare professional clients are qualified "Functional Medicine" practitioners, but increasingly we assist MDs and GPs with providing possible exposure .
Equally, since COVID the general public have become much more aware of the science of CIRS and Mitochondrial disfunction. Unfortunately, Dr. Google can provide the wrong route and many causes or triggers should be investigated to identify possible inflammagens present. Many times Chronic fatigue and Lyme disease are misdiagnosed often adding to the WHO statement that mould is the great masquerade of the 21st century.
ERMI typically, has been held up as a indicator of safe or unsafe in homes with HERTSMI 2 misinterpreted as safe or unsafe to enter homes and building. With the actual developers of ERMI Steve Vesper, and co together with the USA government, they have specifically warned ERMI should not be used for risk and hazard assessment and has no use in amateur hands. ERMI can be extremely misleading and lead to no action where action is required or total demolition of homes when it was unnecessary. The analysis of 5mg of dust should never be used as stand alone data.
Today, many undertake urine or blood tests for mycotoxins and while medical treatment may reduce symptoms, the reality is exposure will usually overcome treatment benefits. It is again imperative to survey and investigate causation, risk areas and develop a targeted sampling regime. Remember we could be looking for parts per billion and sampling in the wrong place can be a very expensive mistake.
There are of course major indicators of CIRS and water damage illness, typically described as mould illness and these can include;
Asthma Multiple Sclerosis Obesity and rarely unexplained weight loss Development of ADHD and Bi Polar, Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, Chrones and Autism. Early menopause, spontaneous abortion, general Gynae issues Effects on Autonomic nervous system affecting both central and peripheral nervous system While symptoms alone can be mis diagnosed there are now detailed tests to identify the markers in blood which identifies CIRS and or building related illness. There are also major hazards with mycotoxins which can have diverse and powerful toxigenic effects which include:
Carcinogenic: cause cancer Hepatoxic: toxic to the liver Immunotoxic: toxic to the immune system Dermatoxic: toxic to skin Teratogenic: cause foetal abnormalities Neurotoxic: toxic to the brain and nervous system Estrogenic: cause elevated levels of Estrogen Haemorrhagic: cause internal bleeding and bruising Nephrotoxic: toxic to kidneys Mutagenic: cause genetic abnormalities Not wishing to or indeed qualified to enter the world of medical science we cannot provide treatment advice, but we can recommend sampling and investigation of exposure routes from likely triggers present in properties we investigate. When requested by healthcare professionals we provide links to resources on specialist blood, urine and other useful information.
Building Forensics can assist in identifying the presence of triggers for building related illness, produce data to assist the healthcare professional in diagnosis and provide detailed scope of works of remediation for contractors to follow.