Decontamination Risk Reduction The term decontamination is widely used but the reality is very few contractors know how to undertake this or achieve the results to warrant the term or more important verify any results.
Industry best practice is to return the building environment post water damage) to the IICRC S500 and S520 standard or in insurance terms Pre loss Conditions. Having being involved with initial writing of these standards and indeed being first UK chairman of IICRC I recognise the importance of these standards. Unfortunately, they were written and are intended for basic water damage remediation. The reality is if you’re on this web site you probably recognise your building related illness symptoms and perhaps you are one in every five people that are genetically susceptible to CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome). If this is the case you may require a greater level of risk reduction. Please see our decontamination pages.
While many promote fogging and miracle chemical treatments, non exist that can assist the CIRS patient and many protocols may make matters worse. If you don’t know why you should ask or investigate before you waste your money.